How can I add the scores?
You do not need to add the scores manually. You will get individual scores on each of the SECURE pillars, accompanied by a set of recommendations and the final scores would be emailed to your registered email address.
How can I interpret the scores?
Once you get the individual scores on each of the pillars, recommendations pertinent to your score will appear. When you receive the final score, you can know the SECURE intensity, readiness level and get related advice. Go back and check your scores on each of the pillars and add the recommendations to the final set of advice. If you need further help, seek advice of an expert. SECURE Team can also help you. For more information- go to www.drtahseen.com or email @ tahseen.arshi@aurak.ac.ae
Why an additional SECURE canvas is added to the SECURE survey?
The additional SECURE survey is added to further support the measures and provide the startup a snapshot of the business model (SECURE CANVAS). The top three boxes (business idea and opportunity, competencies and partners) interact with each other. The business idea and opportunities is supported by internal competencies and external partners. These next layer of boxes revels the market conditions in term of competition and industry. If all these boxes indicate favorable conditions, the startup gets a go-signal or else a no-go signal is given. The next three layer of boxes determines the implementation and test of startup in the market-place. Finally, the last two boxes pertaining to cost and revenues are the foundation of the startup and determines the success of the business and the balance of the business model. If the business model is tilted towards revenue (which means more revenues that cost) the business model is good and vice versa. The snapshot is useful as it allows the evaluator to alter and modify its parts to balance the business model.
What is a business model?
Business Model comprises various elements of your business. SECURE framework is a business model. Other business models include Business Model Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder. Startup methodologies and related diagnostic tools includes Lean Start process (Blank, Ries), Design Thinking process (Kelley), Start-up canvas (Murya), and Disciplined Entrepreneurship Process (Aulet). Business model usually includes elements such as value proposition, marketing plan, target market, partners, costs and income.
What is value proposition?
Value proposition is unique value your start-up is providing your customers. In other words, the solution to the customer problem and pains that the products and services of your business provides. Customer value proposition is beautifully explained through Customer value Canvas (pain-gain model) by Alexander Osterwalder.
What is target market?
Target market is the group of customers your business would focus on to sell the products and services. Target market (TM) is a subset of customers from the total available market (TAM). Beware of two-side business models in which your users may not be the payers. These are especially relevant for online and social media business models. The users of your business would create derivative currency (assets), based on which your target market would generate revenues for your business.
What is meant by two-sided business model? What is meant by derivate currency?
A Two-Sided Marketplace business model is a platform for economic exchange between two distinct user groups that provide each other with the benefits of a large network. Similar to On-Demand Marketplaces (the next post to come), the multi-sided model requires two parties: a Consumer and a Customer (i.e., Buyer). Within this model, the largest group by far are the consumers. This group uses the platform as part of their normal routine and pays the business with what Ash Maurya calls a derivative currency. In most cases, this currency is attention and routine usage of the application. The other side of the model, the customer, is a much smaller group but are equally important. This group is where the real currency, revenue, comes from. The time and effort provided by the consumer creates enough value for the Customer and they willingly pay for the data that comes from that activity.
What is B2C?
Business to consumers. Your target market are consumers and most common method of selling them is through retail.
What is B2B?
Business to Business. Your target market are other businesses and direct marketing and online selling is most common method.
What is meant by quality?
There are different explanations to quality. According to operations and production definition of quality, a product a product performs according to specifications. Other definitions include zero defects and continuous improvement.
What is meant by capacity?
Capacity means the ability to supply either a product or service. Usually when demand is more and ability to supply is less (say during peak hours in a supermarket check-out counter) capacity problems occur.
What is meant by demand management?
Capacity issues can be solved either by increasing the capacity to supply, which might involve incurring higher costs or manage or change the demand patterns. Demand management deals with attempting to change demand patterns (say shifting peak customers to off- peak times through promotional activities)
What is meant by cash flow?
Cash flow refers the cash position of the company at a given time. In other words how much cash is coming into the business and how much is going out. Cash is important to run the business.
What is intensive, selective and exclusive distribution?
These are distribution strategies that is dependent on the type of product you are selling. Consumer products of fast moving products may require intensive distribution as it has to be available everywhere, while brands may use exclusive distribution.
What is unit cost?
The cost of making one unit of product or service. It can derived by dividing the totals cost with total production.
What is innovation?
Innovation refers to the degree of newness in your product or service. It may also refer to newness in a process and introduction of new technologies.
What is Radical Innovation?
In radical innovation, the degree of scale of newness is very high- in some cases breakthrough that disrupts the market and competitors.
What is incremental innovation?
In incremental innovation degree of newness is comparatively low and is mainly improvement driven.
What is return on investment?
It shows the amount of money earned as against the money invested in the business. Investment includes both capital and loan.
What is profit margin?
Profit is the left over from sales after paying all expenses.
What is cash conversion cycle?
Cash conversion cycle is used to measure the efficiency in converting goods into cash. It depends on days taken to sell goods, days taken to collect cash from debtors and days taken to pay cash to creditors.
What is bootstrapping, debt and equity financing?
Bootstrapping in business means starting a business without external help or capital. Such startups fund the development of their company through internal cash flow and are cautious with their expenses. Generally at the start of a venture, a small amount of money will be set aside for the bootstrap process. Debt financing involves borrowing a fixed sum from a lender, which is then paid back with interest. Equity financing is the sale of a percentage of the business to an investor, in exchange for capital. Equity financing is mostly preferred by entreprenurs as it does not put pressure on the cash flow of the company in the initial stages, as against a loan where interest has to be paid.