Research Evidence
Morande. S. Tahseen, Arshi, A. Gul, K. and Amini, M. (2023). Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence to Forecast Start-up Success: An Empirical Evaluation of the SECURE AI Model, SocArXiv.
Tahseen Arshi, A. Begum, V. Roa V. and Capar, N. (2022). Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Business Model for the Early Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Firms. Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 14 (4), pp. 536-556.
Arshi, Tahseen, S. Rao, V. and Morande. S. (2020). SECURE: A new business model to measure startup performance, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 459-485.
Arshi, Tahseen, and Burns. P. (2019) Designing an Organization for Innovation in Emerging Economies: The Mediating Role of Readiness for Innovation, Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 10 (1), 34-56
Arshi, Tahseen, and Burns. P. (2018) Entrepreneurial Architecture: A framework to promote innovation in large firms. The journal of Entrepreneurship, 27 (2), 1-27.
Arshi, Tahseen .(2017) Is innovation a second-order construct: Clarifying the Formative and Reflective Measures of Innovation. Archives of Business Research, 5 (2), 1-13.
Dzillas, M. and Blind, K. (2019) Innovation indicators throughout the innovation process: An extensive literature analysis. Technovation, 80-81, 3-29.
Aulet, B. (2013) The Disciplined entrepreneur: 24 Steps successful start-up, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
Burns, P. (2018) New Venture Creation: A framework to or Entrepreneurial Start-up. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Maurya, A. (2016) Scaling lean: mastering the key metrics of start-up growth, NY: Penguin
Maurya, A. (2012). Running lean: Iterate from Plan A to a plan that works (2nd Ed.) Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media.
Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., Smith, A., & Papadakos, T. (2014). Value proposition design: How to create products and services customers want. Hoboken: Wiley.
Osterwalder, A. Pigneur, Y. Bernarda, G. and Smith, A. (2015) Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want (kindle Edition), NY: Wiley.
Ries, E. (2017) The Start-up Way: How Modern Companies Use Entrepreneurial Management to Transform Culture and Drive Long-Term Growth (Unabridged Eds.) Random House Audio.
The relevant Glossary can be accessed HERE
Further Reading
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Arend, R.J. and Wisner, J. D. (2005) Small business and supply chain management: is there a fit. Journal of Business Venturing, 20 (3), 403-436.
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